Filtering glasses

Filtering glasses

Nowadays our life revolves around technology and at every hour of the day and night we are dealing with screens of all sizes.

The light that comes from all these devices has proven to be harmful , both for the health of the eye itself, and for the effects and reflections that are manifested throughout the body.

This is because because of its wavelength it is not filtered by the eye and therefore there are no natural protections.

The type of light in question is particular, it is in fact a blue light, corresponding to a specific position in the spectrum ranging from 380 to 500 nm.

Being found practically everywhere a technological device, the consequences of this type of exposure concern everyone, from children to the elderly.

What is blue light

It is in fact a form of electromagnetic radiation from the visible spectrum.

The development of electronic instruments has led to the creation of numerous blue light sources, such as LEDs.

Their purpose is to increase the performance of the new devices on the market, but at the same time the amount of blue light emitted is much greater than the traditional solutions of the past.

Among the main sources of blue light it is possible to find:

  • LED lights
  • Xenon lights
  • Low consumption light bulbs
  • PC
  • Tablet
  • Smartphone
  • Televisions
  • The habit of sheltering from UV rays has long spread.

Although an overexposure to these is considered harmful, especially for the skin, it does not cause as much damage to the eyes as the blue light.
The latter, unlike UV light, is not absorbed by the lens and therefore easily reaches the retina, damaging it.

Numerous studies have shown that exposure to blue light is increasingly early and more protracted throughout the day.

This also translates into a risk for children, who spend many hours in front of the computer, both for leisure and for study. Not to mention the adults who often spend hours in front of a PC screen for work, then go home and relax watching television.

The effects of blue light

Overexposure to blue light has visible effects both in the short and medium / long term.

Research in this regard has reported very interesting results.
After 6-8 hours, 91% of people experience the following symptoms:

  • Sore eyes
    This is one of the first manifestations that the body offers to demonstrate the state of suffering.
  • Dry eyes
    A reduction in the frequency of the blink results in less watering and lubrication of the front part of the eye
  • Asthenopia
    Consists of visual fatigue caused by excessive exposure to blue light. This also happens when you are intent on reading very small characters
  • Headache
    This is a direct consequence of eye strain
  • Insomnia
    Blue light sends the wrong signal to the body about the actual time of day, thus inhibiting melatonin secretion.

In a longer period of time, it is possible to achieve a reduction in the eye pigment.

It is an unhappy condition because it is one of the risk factors for the onset of maculopathy.

The macula is the central area of ​​the retina and is the most sensitive to light stimuli.

The cells that make up the macula are unable to regenerate and consequently, if not carefully protected, they will inevitably be damaged.

When the body sends signs of physical distress or you have not been able to rest sufficiently, the consequences become apparent throughout the day.

Irritability, low concentration and frequent accidents are just some of the signs that should make it clear that something needs to be changed for the better.

Children and young people, who still have to take responsibility for sleep schedules, will have great difficulties in this, since the blue light alters the circadian rhythm and above all hurts the production of their hormones, damaging an organism that has yet to complete its development.

So what can be done to protect yourself and your loved ones from the effects of excessive, but unfortunately inevitable, exposure to blue light?
Shielding your eyes with suitable lenses appears to be an effective solution.

Filtering glasses

The blue light blocking glasses are very useful tools to counter the negative effects of this particular wavelength.

These are filter glasses capable of absorbing almost all harmful blue light and for this reason they are often also known by the name of computer glasses.

A truly optimal solution for those who are forced to spend many hours in front of a screen, having the effect of resting glasses.

These instruments are not the equivalent of the prescription glasses prescribed by the ophthalmologist and available exclusively at an optician, as they in themselves have no alcohol content and can therefore be purchased both online and in physical stores.

At the same time, if desired, there is the possibility of integrating the effect of the anti-blue light lenses also with prescription glasses already in use.

It is a real treatment that counteracts the effects of overexposure to blue light and the benefits can be visible in a very short time:

  • Greater well-being for the eyes
  • Reduced fatigue
  • Physical well-being
  • Improvement of the sleep-wake cycle
  • Greater concentration
  • Mood improvement

Following all this, it is therefore possible to speak of anti-fatigue glasses, meaning the general effect they give not only on the eye but on the whole organism.

The world around us tends to be increasingly technology-oriented and the screens with which we have to deal increase dramatically in a short time.

This translates into an increasingly constant exposure to blue light sources.
A simple pair of glasses with ad hoc features can really be the solution to face the future with serenity and well-being.



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