Computer glasses. Essential glasses.

Computer glasses

Resting computer glasses

Electronic devices are increasingly present in everyday life, whether for work or leisure, all have one or more devices such as a laptop, smartphone and tablet.

The constant use of electronic devices is not only a source of stress but is a real danger to the eyes.

Harmfulness of BLUE lights

Blue light belongs to the category of UV rays, the difference is that blue rays are able to penetrate the lens by damaging the retina while UV rays are able to be absorbed by the cornea and lens.

Blue light is an electromagnetic radiation from the visible spectrum that includes frequencies between 390 and 455 nm, which are very harmful to the human eye. Electronic devices such as PC screens, tablets, smartphones and TVs are based on the use of LEDs.

The LEDs were designed with the aim of reducing energy consumption and improving resolution but unfortunately they emit a much greater amount of blue light than traditional bulbs.

According to some studies, it appears that blue lights can damage the retina of the eye by accelerating the occurrence of diseases such as presbyopia.

Thanks to some research also, scientists have analyzed the impact of blue light on the human eye and what has emerged is that when the eye is exposed to blue light, the latter manages to alter phospholipid phosphatidylinositol 4.5 bisphosphate ( Pip2) which is one of the components of the plasma membrane of cells.

This alteration also occurs not only in the cells of the eye but also in all the other cells of the body that are affected by blue light.

Among the harmful effects of blue light there is also an influence on the circadian cycle of the balance between sleep and wakefulness when using these devices before sleep.

The use of devices such as PCs, tablets and smartphones has significantly increased in recent decades.

According to some studies, people who use LED devices for a maximum of 3 hours a day are 20% of the total users, those who use them for 4-6 hours are 34%, those who use them for 7-9 hours are the 22%, those who use them for 10-12 hours are 14% and finally those who use them for more than 12 hours is 10%.

These data are alarming and for this reason it is necessary to protect your eyes with anti blue light lenses.

Anti blue light glasses

The anti-blue resting glasses are equipped with lenses specially designed for those who have difficulty reading the PC screen clearly. Relaxing glasses are ideal for people who spend many hours at the PC in a closed and artificially illuminated environment. These glasses avoid straining the eyes by focusing for a long time on the screen.

Here are the problems that can cause heavy use of devices such as PCs and smartphones:

  • Muscle tension : maintaining an incorrect posture for many consecutive hours without a break can cause muscle tension and neck pain. In fact, in an attempt to get closer to the PC screen to read better, incorrect postures are often assumed.
  • Dry eyes: it is characterized by burning and itching of the eye and is often due to poor production or excessive evaporation of the tear film. In addition, prolonged use of PCs, LED televisions and smartphones can reduce the frequency of the blink of an eye up to five times, causing blurred vision and dry eyes.
  • Sensitivity to light : the sensitivity of the eyes to light is excessive occurs when spending a lot of time in a closed environment illuminated by artificial light.
  • Difficulty in focusing on distant objects after using the PC : at the end of the day, after using the PC for many hours, it can be difficult to focus on distant and moving objects.

Why use computer glasses

For those who work on the PC or spend a lot of time using their smartphone, we recommend using computer glasses that filter the blue rays to avoid causing damage to the eyes due to prolonged use of the devices.

Damages can occur more consistently after 40 years of age when the lens of the eye, which serves to concentrate the light coming from the outside, begins to harden and lose elasticity.

These disorders can subsequently result in more serious visual disturbances such as presbyopia, which is manifested by symptoms such as blurred vision, poor vision in poorly lit environments, headache and eye fatigue.

So, compared to other types of lenses, resting glasses allow you to avoid incorrect postures to get closer to the PC screen and to have a sharper view of the screen.

By using a pair of resting glasses, you can avoid the danger of damaging your eyesight for prolonged use of the devices.

Advantages of using anti blue light lenses :

  • Reduction of the harmful action of blue rays on the eyes
  • Sharpness of reading on the screens
  • Reduction of glare and reflections on the lenses of the glasses
  • Rules to follow to avoid damage from blue light

There are some precautions to avoid causing damage to your eyesight due to the prolonged use of LED devices.

– The first rule is called the 20-20-20 rule and consists of taking a 20-second break every 20 minutes of using the PC (or other devices) staring at an object 20 meters away. This measure cannot completely eliminate the impact that blue lights can have on the eyes but can at least reduce it by resuming the natural position of the eyes for a few moments. Furthermore, this method allows to decrease the risks of visual pathologies such as myopia. Anti blue light lenses, in combination with this rule, protect the eye from prolonged exposure of bright screens.

– Another rule to follow is to maintain constant hydration which allows you to relieve stress and therefore avoid stiffening your neck and back in unnatural and harmful positions.

– Many people, especially young people, usually use smartphones or watch TV before sleeping. Unfortunately, this habit affects the circadian sleep / wake cycle and can therefore cause sleepless nights. For this reason, it would be a good idea to avoid using devices at least 30 minutes before going to sleep. To alleviate this last problem you can set your smartphone in night mode which allows you to automatically adjust the colors of the display so as not to strain your eyes.



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