Anti blue ray glasses. Why are they important?

Anti blue ray glasses

It is hardly possible to make an exact estimate of the hours spent each day in front of the various screens that accompany us from morning to evening.

The time spent with the eyes on a computer, a TV or a smartphone is a determining factor for various ailments that are typically accused today.

Blurred vision, tired eyes, sleep disturbances may be just some of the symptoms of overexposure to blue light.

What is blue light

Light is that area of ​​the electromagnetic spectrum visible to the human eye.
Depending on its wavelength, it can take on various colors: violet or blue if low, up to yellow or red if higher.

Blue light has a wavelength very close to that of ultraviolet rays, from which we often seek shelter by means of sunglasses or sunscreen.

LED lamps and electronic screens are some of the main blue light sources we deal with every day.

Although blue light has less energy than ultraviolet, it is filtered very little when it crosses the eye to reach the retina.

In this it proves even more intrusive than the ultraviolet itself, which instead is almost completely filtered.

Exposure to light leads to certain effects in the body, usually positive if managed intelligently.

For example, many studies have confirmed the importance of sun exposure to secrete certain vitamins and regulate hormonal balance.

Strong lighting leads to the production of serotonin and cortisol, making the person awake and active. On the contrary, the dark helps the action of melatonin and promotes sleep.

When the blue light reaches the retina, it has a desirable effect on the psychological well-being of the individual, but excessive exposure can alter the balance and become harmful.

The effects of blue light

Nowadays we are literally surrounded by sources of blue light, everywhere and at any time of day or night.

Smartphones, tablets, PCs, TVs, low energy lighting are among the main sources of these wavelengths.
All this translates into a continuous exposure to a melatonin inhibitor, such as to interfere with the biological clock and the sleep-wake rhythm.

Mainly it is possible to observe three categories of consequences linked to an excessive exposure to sources of blue light, visible on the eye, on the organism and with long-term effects.

The effects on the eye are mainly given by fatigue and by the fact that fixing a light source induces a reduction of blinks, therefore of lubrication.
The consequences are therefore:

  • Redness
  • Sore eyes
  • Dry eyes
  • Visual fatigue

The inhibition of melatonin has repercussions on the whole organism:

  • Alteration of the sleep-wake rhythm
  • Insomnia
  • Disturbed and restless sleep
  • Headache
  • Concentration drops

In the event that excessive exposure to blue light continues over time, the damage could become much more serious:

  • Myopia
  • Cataract
  • Maculopathy (degeneration of retinal tissue)

Based on what emerged, it becomes understandable how important it is to protect the eyes from overexposure to blue light.

However, we live in a digital age where it is not so easy to keep sufficiently distant from these sources.

What is more, studies have shown that spending an hour outdoors on a cloudy day exposes your eyes to blue light much more than you did in front of a screen at the same time.

Certainly prolonged exposure to artificial sources will cause much more damage, in particular because it occurs frequently in unnatural times, that is, in the evening and at night, when the body should instead prepare for sleep.

Such a habit leads the mind and body to a real wear and tear, which must be absolutely stopped as soon as possible.

The human eye has a natural predisposition to protect itself from the harmful effects that light can cause. Usually defensive mechanisms consist of:

  • Narrowing of the pupil
  • Eyelid closure
  • Looking away from the light source

By exposing themselves to electronic devices for a long time, these natural defenses tend to compromise and not be as efficient as they should be.

The solution therefore comes from the creation of a protective screen capable of filtering these wavelengths.
Using blue light lenses seems to be a very effective solution.

Anti blue ray glasses

The filter glasses that act on the blue lights have proven to be functional and able to improve the well-being of the wearer.

This instrument should not be confused with resting glasses: the latter have slightly graduated lenses and can be purchased only and exclusively at authorized optical stores.

The anti blue light glasses instead have neutral lenses (+0.00 diopters) since they are aimed only at filtering. For this reason, the prescription of the doctor or optician is not necessary and they are easily available at physical stores or online.

In short, the models for filtering blue light can be considered anti fatigue glasses, but suitable for everyone and they act, both directly and indirectly, on the general well-being of the person.

This does not mean that it is possible to integrate photochromic treatment to one’s own prescription or rest glasses, to have both a visual correction and a blue light shield.

Since the protection considerably reduces fatigue and makes the images sharper, the anti blue ray glasses are a product that is also widely used by gamers.

These claim to experience greater eye comfort, which in turn leads to better reflexes and therefore performance enhancement.

If the complained complaints mainly concern the ability to rest, it is important to start shielding your eyes especially in the evening hours.
In this way the organism will begin to prepare for the night time and the production of melatonin will not be hindered.

Better sleep will allow for great improvements in mood, concentration and many other aspects.

With a simple but revolutionary pair of glasses, life and health can really change for the better.



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