Anti blue light lenses for everyone.

Anti blue light lenses

What is blue light?

By blue light we mean light rays harmful to the human eye. These particular electromagnetic radiations, which are part of the light spectrum, are characterized by a higher frequency than UV rays.

Unlike the latter, which do not reach the retina because they are shielded by the cornea and the crystalline lens, the blue light rays reach the most delicate and deep part of the apparatus that allows you to see.

The moment blue electromagnetic radiation comes into contact with the retinal molecule, they change it into a form harmful to the retinal tissue itself.

Blue rays are particularly harmful if their frequency is between 390 and 455 nm.

Currently the eyes of all contemporary people are considerably more exposed to blue light than individuals were in the past: in fact the major sources that emit such harmful rays are all modern digital devices such as computers, smartphones, tablets, televisions, as well as the most innovative low consumption lamps.

The screens of all these devices are in fact backlit by LED lamps, also referred to as cold light lamps, which in their ignition phase emit a quantity of blue rays at least ten times conspicuous compared to that which characterizes traditional incandescent bulbs.

The numerous damages produced by the continuous exposure to blue light can be limited by the use of filter lenses, also called, in fact, anti blue light lenses.

Damage caused by blue light

Exposure to blue light rays is now inevitable and more and more patients report having suffered more or less serious damage. The main damages found so far can be distinguished between those that emerge in the short term and those that arise in the medium or long term.

The main damages that people suffer, exposed to blue light, in the short term are mainly:

  • redness of the eyes
  • irritation
  • fatigue
  • astenopia
  • insomnia
  • headache

The red color is taken by the eyes after having fixed the screen of smartphones, tablets and some for a long time, even if not continuously. This condition is often associated with eye irritation which is caused by the stress to which they are subjected by blue light rays.

Dry eyes are due to the fact that observing a backlit screen causes you to blink much less than in situations where the smartphone is not fixed.

Not blinking often means that the lubrication of the transparent fabric that protects the eye is very reduced and therefore this organ is obviously drier: that is, it creates many discomforts that in the long run increase in intensity.

Asthenopia, i.e. visual fatigue is related to the stress to which an eye exposed to blue lights is subjected and which must be fatigued to observe small details or read small letters.

The continuous exposure to blue light inhibits the production of the hormone called melatonin: the one that correctly regulates the alternation of sleep and wakefulness.

This consequence of exposure to the rays produced by the screens of modern devices, causes insomnia.

Headache is an additional problem that is reported by many people who constantly subject their eyes to fatigue caused by blue light.

In the long run, exposure to this type of harmful rays appears to be one of the causes of the onset of maculopathy.

Anti blue light lenses: a remedy for everyone

The exposure of the eyes to blue light is practically a constant in the daily life of all people, in fact at work, during the study or in free time, everyone uses smartphones, tablets and PCs more and more.

Many times it is impossible to reduce the number of hours the eyes observe screens that emit blue light rays.

A simple, convenient and safe remedy is the use of anti-reflective lenses, also called anti blue light lenses or anti blue lenses.

These glasses filter the blue light and ensure that by not hitting the cornea and retina, they do not damage them. They also have a restful action on the entire ocular surface, so that the eye is not in a stressful condition for a long time.

These particular anti-glare glasses can also be used by those who do not need any correction and vision: in fact, the lenses are subjected in this case to a particular process that causes the blue light rays to be rejected, blocked or absorbed.

If nearsighted, astigmatic or presbyopic people can request that their corrective lenses also be equipped with the anti blue light treatment.

Anti-glare glasses can be worn without any contraindication by both children and adults. The lenses are very discreet and can be mounted on any type of frame, even the most minimal or the most explosive and fashionable ones.

The advantages of anti blue light glasses

Using the blue light blocking glasses , anti blue light, has many advantages for those who choose them. Among the most important and relevant merits of these glasses are:

  • absorption, blocking or rejection of blue light
  • improved color contrast and reduced glare
  • improvement of visual comfort
  • relieving eye fatigue
  • improvement of sleep-wake alternation.

Relaxing glasses are equipped with technology that blocks, repels or captures blue light in order to protect the entire eye system.

The treatment to which the lenses are subjected to make them become anti-blue light, also allows them to adjust in contrast of colors and glare: this feature makes it much easier to observe even prolonged screens of smartphones, tablets and computers.

Blue light goggles significantly increase visual comfort: even after a few hours of use, the eyes will be less dry and fatigued, even if they have fixed a backlit screen with LED lights for a long time.

Eye fatigue will be only a memory: the eyes will rest even reading for hours, since they will not be subjected to the stress that the blue lights cause them.

With glasses that protect the ocular apparatus from blue lights, there will be an improvement in the sleep-wake alternation and insomnia will gradually disappear.



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